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Issue 012: Dale Zine

The P.O.P. (Portraits of POPLIFE) documents inspiring individuals who push artistic boundaries and strive for excellence in order to advance
the communities around them. Uniting a wide range of talented creatives from diverse backgrounds, this editorial series invites them to share
their passions and the impact they've had on the realms of hospitality, music, fashion, art, and design.
Meet Steve and Lillian, the creative minds behind Dale Zine. From humble beginnings in late-night zine-making to the recent grand opening
of their shop in Miami Design District, their incredible journey has always been fueled by their passion for the artistic community.
For our first issue of 2024, POPLIFE sat down with this power couple to get a glimpse into their everyday life and how they've come to
balance the tricky trifecta of love, art, and business.
Photography by Amanda Bovea

Tell us about yourself.
How did you end up where you are today?
Hi, we’re Steve and Lillian, the married couple behind Dalé Zine. Steve founded DZ back in 2009, xeroxing zines at night when everyone went home during various advertising jobs. We both met in Miami sometime in 2011 and quickly realized our shared passion for self-publishing and artist books.

Dalé Zine started as my fun project in 2009 while working at FriendsWithYou. Initially focused on creating a zine about my favorite orange cat, Garfield, it quickly evolved into a platform for artists, designers, and photographers in Miami and beyond. Today, with over 95 publications, Dalé Zine has become a thriving community. Inspired by experiences like the LA Art Book Fair by Printed Matter Inc., Dalé Zine set a goal
to exhibit at the next year's LAABF.
Successfully achieving this, we continue to participate in Printed Matter book fairs, which remain
a highlight of our year. Early influences for the zine include Picture Box, PaperRad, Nieves,
Hamburger Eyes, and the inspiring bookshops like Arcana and Family Books in LA.
What made you decide to start Dalé Zine?
What was your inspiration?
- Steve

I didn't have a choice; I just fell in love.
- Lillian

What do you look to achieve with Dalé Zine?
What we are trying to achieve is always a moving bull post. Every year, the dream changes.
Each goal is present to where we are at that moment in time. Fifteen years ago, it was to publish; twelve years ago, it was to do fairs, and now it’s to keep the shop and gallery growing, even with all the moving around!
Our north star is community; it’s always at the forefront of everything we do and informs our decisions daily. The goal is always to democratize the art world and welcome everyone into
the space to learn something new or even teach us a thing or two.

Are there any recent projects that you wish to share with us?
We've just opened up our new dream shop in the Design District and have extended our hours. We’re now also neighbors with our long time friends, Andrew Skateshop, which is the
cherry on top!
The Dalé Zine creative department recently released a music video for the legendary Miami band, The Jacuzzi Boys, for their latest hit single “House of Tricks”. We got the chance to direct the project and even add some motion graphics magic in there. Both of our backgrounds are in production, so we plan on pursuing more creative projects to help our friends achieve their vision.
We're also excited about the Mobile Dalé Zine Shop, a converted 1996 Japanese Honda Acty Truck that we've turned into a bookshop on wheels. Look out for the mini truck coming to a location near you!

How did your brick and mortar shop come to be?
It was always this idea that, oh, it would be cool to have something in the real world. We’ve had great friends that have given us a seat at the table usually reserved for
giants in the retail world. We fully tackle each opportunity head-on and try to
remain present as space is fleeting in Miami.

Why is it called Dalé Zine?
Growing up in Miami, “dale” is obviously a word you hear all the time. When starting the “company” I had a few ideas for names, and I kept hearing my dad’s voice in my head saying, “Dale, just pick something!” So Dalé Zine came as a term of encouragement for artists in our communities to pursue careers in art, even if it starts off with a zine.

What is a significant memory you have with POPLIFE? Has POPLIFE influenced your life in any way?
POPLIFE has always been a sanctuary for people like us down here in Miami.
It's where we met our best friends, lawyers, accountants, chefs,
favorite bands, DJs, and even each other!
POPLIFE personally had a big impact on me as a young person in Miami. Besides the amazing DJs and bands they brought here, POPLIFE helped me establish myself in graphic design by creating posters and flyers for their events early in my career while still in school. A defining moment was creating artwork for my favorite group at the time (and still today), Black Moth Super Rainbow.
- Steve

Many influences and supporters were definitely met
on the POPLIFE dance floor in our early days.
- Lillian